CSRD's ESRS E1 Climate Change

June 21, 2024
Sustainability in Business
The first topical standard of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) is Climate Change. It is expected that most, if not all reporting companies will disclose information related to Climate Change based on this standard. According to Chapter 3.2 of ESRS 1 on Material matters and materiality of information, if a reporting company decides that climate change is not material and therefore do not disclose information required under the Climate Change topical standard, the company must provide a detailed explanation of the conclusions of its materiality assessment regarding climate change.

The first topical standard of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) is Climate Change. It is expected that most, if not all reporting companies will disclose information related to Climate Change based on this standard. According to Chapter 3.2 of ESRS 1 on Material matters and materiality of information, if a reporting company decides that climate change is not material and therefore do not disclose information required under the Climate Change topical standard, the company must provide a detailed explanation of the conclusions of its materiality assessment regarding climate change. Thus, most companies are expected to find Climate Change as a material topic in their assessment.

ESRS E1 Climate Change is composed of nine disclosure requirements, grouped into Governance, Strategy, Impacts risks and opportunities, and Metrics and targets. It aligns with and takes into account other regulatory requirements of various related EU regulations (e.g., EU Climate Law, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), EU Taxonomy, etc.).

E1 Climate change - Governance

Specific to Climate Change, the reporting company is required to disclose whether and how climate-related considerations are factored into the remuneration of the supervisory bodies, particularly assessed against the GHG emissions reduction targets and other climate considerations (including what these other climate considerations entails).

E1 Climate change - Strategy

The strategy disclosure regarding climate change resides primarily in the reporting of the transition plan for climate change mitigation (disclosure requirement E1-1). This transition plan should enable the users of sustainability statements to understand the reporting company’s past, present and future activities to ensure its strategy and business model aligns with the transition to a sustainable economy. The goals are to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C in line with the Paris agreement, to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, and where applicable, how it will adjust its exposure to coal, oil and gas-related activities.

This transition plan should include:

In addition to the transition plan, disclosure requirement SBM-3 of E1 Climate change requires reporting companies to disclose the scope, methods and outcome of a resilience analysis, which describes the resilience of the reporting company’s strategy and business model to climate change risks, in relation to material physical and transition risks related to climate change. These material physical and transition risks should be outlines as required in IRO-1 (next section).

E1 Climate change - Impacts, risks and opportunities

The process to identify and assess climate change-related impacts, risks and opportunities should include the GHG emissions impact, climate-related physical risks in own operations and along the upstream and downstream value chain, and climate-related transition risks and opportunities in own operations and long the upstream and downstream value chain. Transition risks and opportunities may cover policy and legal risks, technology risks, market risks, and reputation risks, may extend to more than 10 years, and may be aligned with climate-related public policy goals. In assessing physical and transition risks, the methods and outcomes of scenario analysis using a range of climate scenarios should be disclosed. The following guidance documents may be considered while conducting scenario analysis.

In disclosure requirements E1-2 and E1-3, policies, actions and resources allocated to climate change mitigation and adaptation are disclosed. The policies should include those to address the identification, assessment, management and/or remediation of its material impacts, risks and opportunities, and should include climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency, renewable energy deployment, and other areas that may be relevant to a reporting company’s business in relation to climate change.

The reporting of actions and resources should be guided by the decarbonisation levers, including nature-based solutions. When reporting CapEx or OpEx related to climate change actions, such amounts must reconcile with the relevant line items or notes in the financial statements, and include the performance indicators and CapEx plans required as part of the EU Taxonomy regulations.

E1 Climate change - Metrics and targets

The metrics and targets required under this topical standards include:

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